Country Stone manufactures two cladding options offering a smoother and more rustic finish. Cladding is sold in sets of mixed sizes. The application is very versatile and includes use on walls, stairs and columns but is not recommended for use on floors.

Smooth Cladding 7 piece set (4 sets - 28 pieces)
Dimension number per m²
115 x 115 75.61
180 x 180 30.86
240 x 60 69.44
240 x 120 34.72
240 x 180 23.14
240 x 240 17.36
360 x 240 11.57
Rock Cladding 9 piece set ( 3 sets - 27 pieces)
Dimension number per m²
395x 195 12.98
395 x 130 19.47
395 x 60 42.19
295 x 195 17.38
130 x 130 59.17
130 x 60 128.21
© Country Stone